CFA Board of Directors and Committee Assignments

The affairs of the Association are administered by an Executive Board composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, nine Regional Directors, and five Directors-at-Large. The Officers and Directors-at-Large are elected by ballot by all eligible member clubs. The nine Regional Directors are elected by ballot by the member clubs located in their respective regions.

Executive Board Members are experienced cat fanciers who understand the problems with which clubs, breeders, and exhibitors face. The Executive Board represents all areas of the cat fancy.

The Executive Board formulates rules regarding the policies and precepts of the organization of which all member clubs are advised after each Board Meeting. Show Rules are compiled in a booklet with periodical changes indicated. Many changes develop from ideas and suggestions by member clubs, whose delegates present them to the membership at the Annual Meeting. In addition, constructive ideas are welcomed for consideration by the Executive Board from other sources.
