Show Cages

Cage Size

When you enter a CFA cat show, a single cage will be assigned to your entry and the cage will be provided by the sponsoring club. To make your cat comfortable and feel secure, you will want to have a small towel or other covering on the bottom of the cage, cage curtains around the sides and a light covering for the top of the cage.

The size of show cages will depend upon where you are exhibiting. It is required by Show Rules that the cage size must be printed on the show announcement, so you should be sure to check that for any show you plan to enter.

On the east coast, full cage size is 44″ wide x 22″ deep x 22″ high for a cage that either holds two entries, or breaks down for two single entries with a size of 22″ wide x 22″ deep x 22″ high. If you enter only one cat, you will be benched in a cage that is 22″ wide x 22″ deep x 22″ high. You will normally have the option, when entering the show, to purchase the “double cage” space for a set fee, in which case the cage size for one entry will be 44″ wide x 22″ deep x 22″ high . You may occasionally find cages that are 27″ high instead of 22″.

There are shows on the west coast that use large singles that are 36″ wide x 24″ deep x 27″ high. If this is the case, double cages are not available for purchase.

Security Cages: Normally a double cage space is required to accommodate a security cage, and you will be required to purchase the double cage if you enter only one cat. . Note that the 36″ wide cage space does not allow room for a security cage and a groom space normally must be purchased to accommodate the security cage.