RagaMuffin Breed Standard


HEAD (45)
Sweet expression5
Legs and Feet5

GENERAL: the overall impression of the RagaMuffin should be one of sweetness and robust health. They are a medium to large cat with substantial bone structures and full bodies. The large, expressive eyes strongly contribute to the overall sweet look. The only extremes in this cat are the large expressive eyes and docile nature. RagaMuffin females are generally considerably smaller than males, both being muscular, and heavy with a tendency toward a fatty pad on the lower abdomen. RagaMuffins attain full maturity at approximately four years of age. The cat should have an overall balance, with quality and conformation given preference over size. A RagaMuffin is people loving and affectionate – a cuddly, feline teddy bear.

HEAD: the head is a broad modified wedge with a pleasingly rounded appearance, with no obvious flat planes. The forehead and tophead should be moderately rounded. Muzzle is short and rounded, tending to broadness. The chin is firmly rounded, reflecting a proper bite. There is puffiness to the whisker pad, which results in the characteristic “sweet look” of the RagaMuffin. Cheeks are full. In profile, there is an obvious nose dip, giving the impression of a scoop rather than a break. Neck is short, heavy and strong, particularly in older males. An allowance is made for jowliness in mature adult males.

EARS: medium in size, set as much on the side of the head as on the top of the head with slight flaring, tilted slightly forward. Ears are rounded with moderate furnishings, in pleasing proportion to the head.

EYES: large, walnut shaped and expressive, moderately wide set, the eyes contribute to the characteristic sweet look. A slight oriental slant to the eye is acceptable. The more intense the eye color, the better. All eye colors are allowed, including odd-eyed. Exception: mink colors must be aqua and sepia colors must be yellow/gold to green.

BODY: rectangular, broad chest and broad shoulders, and moderately heavy muscling in the hindquarters with the hindquarters being equally as broad as the shoulders. There should be a fatty pad in the lower abdomen. These cats are fully fleshed and upon palpation should feel well covered with flesh. The cat should have an overall balance in body size, shape and distribution of weight, with quality and conformation given preference over size.

TAIL: long, in proportion to the body. It is fully furred, similar in look to a plume or soft bottlebrush, medium at the base with a slight taper.

LEGS AND PAWS: legs should be heavily boned, medium in length with the back legs slightly longer than the front legs, yet in proportion to the body. The paws should be large and round, able to support the weight of the cat without splaying, and with tufts beneath and between the paws. Allowance is made for finer boning in females.

COAT: the fur is to be medium to medium-long. Texture is to be soft, dense and silky. Texture will vary slightly with color. Fur length is to be slightly longer around neck and outer edges of face, resulting in the appearance of a ruff, and increasing in length from top of head down through shoulder blades and back, with the coat on the sides and stomach being medium to medium-long. The fur on the front legs is thick and short to medium in length. The fur on the hind legs is medium to medium-long and thick with the appearance of a wispy frill on the hindquarters.

COLOR: every color and pattern is allowable with or without white, except pointed colors. Any amount of white is allowed, e.g. white spots on paws, back, chest or belly; a blaze, a locket, etc. Cats with no more white than a locket and/or button(s) do not qualify for the bi-color pattern. Such cats shall be judged as their basic color with no penalty for such locket or button(s). The degree of symmetry whether in the pattern or the white spotting is of no importance. Nose leather and paw pads are accepted in all colors and in any color combination, not necessarily related to coat color, listed colors are preferred, not required. Cats with white on feet may have pink paw pads or they may be bi-colored or multi-colored.

ALLOWANCES: shorter fur on the legs for cats with medium length coat. Seasonal changes in coat length and texture. Smaller size in females and cats under four years of age. Short ruff on whole cats.

PREFERENCES: affectionate nature, and deep, bright eye color.

PENALIZE: extreme cranial doming, nose break, Roman nose, small ears, pointed ears, cobby body, short tail, cottony undercoat.

DISQUALIFY: poor health or condition, crossed eyes, tail kink or fault, polydactyl or pointed colors. Short hair on the body and/or tail, giving the impression of a short-haired cat.

RagaMuffin Colors
(Cats with white buttons and/or lockets allowed without penalty and they do not qualify as a bi-color pattern)


WHITE: (blue-eyed white, copper-eyed white, gold-eyed white, green-eyed white, amber-eyed white, aqua-eyed white, odd-eyed white): pure glistening white.

BLACK: dense coal black. Sound to the roots. Free from any tinge of rust on tips or smoke undercoat.

BLUE: one level shade of blue, without markings. Sound to the roots.

RED: deep, rich, clear, brilliant red; without markings. Sound to the roots. Lips and chin the same color as coat.

CREAM: one level shade of buff cream, without markings. Sound to the roots.

CHOCOLATE: rich, warm chocolate-brown, without markings. Sound to the roots.

LILAC: rich, warm lavender with a pinkish tone. Sound to the roots.

CINNAMON: rich, dark brownish red, the color of a cinnamon stick, distinctly warmer, lighter and redder than chocolate. Sound to the roots.

FAWN: pale pinkish cream, without markings. Sound to the roots.


CHINCHILLA: undercoat pure white. Coat on back, flanks, head and tail sufficiently tipped with color to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach and chest pure white. Rims of eyes, lips and nose outlined with marking color: (silver chinchilla, blue silver chinchilla, black chinchilla, blue chinchilla, red chinchilla, cream chinchilla, chocolate chinchilla, lilac chinchilla, cinnamon chinchilla, fawn chinchilla).

SHADED: undercoat white with a mantle of tipped color. Dark shading down from the sides, face and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. The general effect to be much darker than a chinchilla. Rim of eyes, lips and nose outlined with marking color:
(silver shaded, blue silver shaded, black shaded, blue shaded, red shaded, cream shaded, chocolate shaded, lilac shaded, cinnamon shaded, fawn shaded).

GOLDEN CHINCHILLA: undercoat pale honey to bright apricot. Coat on back, flanks, head and tail sufficiently tipped with color (black/blue) to enhance a golden appearance. Legs and end of tail may be shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach and chest consistent dilute color, much lighter in tone than the undercoat color. The general effect is lighter than a shaded golden due to less tipping. Rims of eyes, lips and nose outlined with marking color (golden chinchilla, blue golden chinchilla).

GOLDEN SHADED: undercoat pale honey to bright apricot with a mantle of tipped color (black/blue) shading down from the sides, face, head and tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. Ear tufts, chin, chest, stomach and underside of the tail, consistent dilute color, much lighter in tone than the undercoat. The general effect is darker than a chinchilla golden due to more tipping. Rim of eyes, lips and nose
outlined with marking color (golden shaded, blue golden shaded).

TORTOISESHELL CHINCHILLA & SHADED (tortoiseshell chinchilla, tortoiseshell shaded, blue cream chinchilla, blue cream shaded, chocolate tortoiseshell chinchilla, chocolate tortoiseshell shaded, lilac cream chinchilla, lilac cream shaded, cinnamon tortoiseshell chinchilla, cinnamon tortoiseshell shaded, fawn cream chinchilla,
fawn cream shaded, golden tortoiseshell chinchilla, golden tortoiseshell shaded, blue cream golden chinchilla, blue cream golden shaded).


SMOKE COLORS: white undercoat, deeply tipped with specified color. Cat in repose appears to be of the specified color. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Points and mask of specified color with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin, which may be seen only when fur is parted: (black smoke, blue smoke, red smoke, cream smoke, chocolate smoke, lilac smoke, cinnamon smoke, fawn smoke).

TORTOISESHELL SMOKE COLORS (tortoiseshell smoke, blue cream smoke, chocolate tortoiseshell smoke, lilac cream smoke, cinnamon tortoiseshell smoke, fawn cream smoke).

(All tabby colors are accepted in classic, mackerel, spotted or ticked
patterns, with or without patching.)

CLASSIC TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail evenly ringed. Several necklaces on neck and upper chest, with locket allowed. Frown marks on forehead form an intricate letter “M”. Unbroken line runs back from outer corner of eye. Swirls on cheeks. Vertical lines over back of head extend to shoulder markings which are in the shape of a butterfly with both upper and lower wings distinctly outlined and marked down the spine from
butterfly to tail with a vertical stripe paralleling it on each side, the three stripes separated by stripes of the ground color. Large solid blotch on each side to be encircled by one or more unbroken rings. Side markings should be the same on both sides. Double vertical rows of buttons on chest and stomach.

MACKEREL TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and all narrow pencillings. Legs evenly barred with narrow bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail barred. Necklaces on neck and chest distinct. Head barred with an “M” on the forehead. Unbroken lines running back from the eyes. Lines running down the
head to meet the shoulders. Spine lines run together to form a narrow saddle. Narrow pencillings run around body.

SPOTTED TABBY PATTERN: : markings on the body to be spotted. May vary in size and shape with preference given to round, evenly distributed spots. Spots should not run together in a broken mackerel pattern. A dorsal stripe runs the length of the body to the tip of the tail. The stripe is ideally composed of spots. The markings on the face and forehead shall be typically tabby markings. Underside of the body to have “vest buttons.” Legs and tail are barred

TICKED TABBY PATTERN: body hairs to be ticked with various shades of marking color and ground color. Body when viewed from top to be free from noticeable spots, stripes or blotches, except for darker dorsal shading. Lighter underside may show tabby markings. Face, legs and tail must show distinct tabby striping.

PATCHED TABBY PATTERN: a patched tabby is an established tabby pattern/color with patches of red in dominant colors and cream in dilute colors. Presence of several shades of red/cream acceptable.

BROWN TABBY: ground color brilliant coppery brown. Markings dense black. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Back of leg black from paw to heel. 

BLUE TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale bluish ivory. Markings a very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole. 

CHOCOLATE TABBY: ground color is warm fawn, markings are rich chestnut brown. 

LILAC TABBY: ground color is pale lavender. Markings are a rich lavender, affording a good contrast with ground color.

CINNAMON TABBY: ground color, including lips and
chin, a pale warm honey, marking a dense cinnamon, affording a good
contrast with ground color. 

FAWN TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale ivory, markings dense fawn, affording good contrast with ground color.

RED TABBY: ground color red. Markings deep, rich red. Lips and chin red. 

CREAM TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, very pale cream. Markings buff or cream sufficiently darker than the ground color to afford good contrast but remaining within the dilute color range.

SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale clear silver. Undercoat white. Markings dense black.

BLUE SILVER TABBY: ground color pale bluish silver. Markings sound blue. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. 

CHOCOLATE SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a pale glistening silver, markings a dense cinnamon, affording a good contrast with ground color. Undercoat white. 

LILAC SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a cold clear silver. Markings sound lavender. 

CINNAMON SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a pale glistening silver, markings a dense cinnamon affording a good contrast with ground color. Undercoat white. 

FAWN SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a pale glistening silver, markings a dense fawn, affording a good contrast with ground color. Undercoat white.

RED SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, offwhite. Markings red. Undercoat white

CREAM SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, offwhite. Markings cream. Undercoat white

GOLDEN TABBY: ground color rich golden. Undercoat pale honey to bright apricot. Markings dense black affording a good contrast with ground color. 

BLUE GOLDEN TABBY: ground color rich golden. Undercoat pale honey to bright apricot. Markings dense blue affording a good contrast with ground color. 

PATCHED TABBY COLORS/PATTERNS: (brown patched tabby, blue patched tabby, chocolate patched tabby, lilac patched tabby, cinnamon patched tabby, fawn patched tabby, silver patched tabby, blue silver patched tabby, chocolate silver patched tabby, lilac silver patched tabby, cinnamon silver patched tabby, fawn silver patched tabby, golden patched tabby, blue golden patched tabby).


PARTI-COLOR PATTERN: a cat of an established color with red in dominant colors and cream in dilute colors. The red/cream may be in patches or softly intermingled and will be on both the body and the extremities. There is no preference given to the amount of established color versus red/cream. Presence of several shades of
red/cream is acceptable.

TORTOISESHELL: black with red.

BLUE CREAM: blue with cream.

CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL: rich, warm chocolate brown with red.

LILAC CREAM: rich, warm pinkish toned lavender with cream.

CINNAMON TORTOISESHELL: light reddish brown with red.

FAWN CREAM: pale pinkish fawn with cream.

(All mink colors/patterns: Eye color: aqua, a definitive characteristic of the mink color pattern.)

MINK PATTERN: body colors should be a rich, even, unmarked color, shading almost imperceptible to a slightly lighter hue on the underparts. There must be a distinct contrast between body color and points.

NATURAL MINK: medium brown with dark brown points. Ruddy highlights acceptable. 

BLUE MINK: soft blue-gray with warm overtones and slate blue points. 

CHAMPAGNE MINK: buff-cream to beige, with medium brown points. Reddish highlights acceptable. 

PLATINUM MINK: pale, silvery gray with warm overtones and frosty gray points. 

CINNAMON MINK: light to reddish brown points, distinctly warmer and lighter than chocolate, the color of a cinnamon stick.

FAWN MINK: light lavender points with pale cocoa overtones.

RED MINK: pale tangerine with bright apricot to deep red points. 

CREAM MINK: rich cream with pale tangerine points. 

TORTOISESHELL MINK: (natural tortoiseshell mink, blue cream mink, champagne tortoiseshell mink, platinum cream mink, cinnamon tortoiseshell mink, fawn cream mink).

MINK & TORTOISESHELL MINK SHADED: (natural mink chinchilla, natural tortoiseshell mink chinchilla, natural mink shaded, natural tortoiseshell mink shaded, blue mink chinchilla, blue cream mink chinchilla, blue mink shaded, blue cream mink shaded, champagne mink chinchilla, champagne tortoiseshell mink chinchilla, champagne mink shaded, champagne tortoiseshell mink shaded, platinum mink chinchilla, platinum cream mink chinchilla, platinum mink shaded, platinum cream mink shaded, cinnamon mink chinchilla, cinnamon tortoiseshell mink chinchilla, cinnamon mink shaded, cinnamon tortoiseshell mink shaded, fawn mink chinchilla, fawn cream mink chinchilla, fawn mink shaded, fawn cream mink shaded, red mink chinchilla, red mink shaded, cream mink chinchilla, cream mink shaded).

MINK & TORTOISESHELL MINK SMOKE: (natural mink smoke, natural tortoiseshell mink smoke, blue mink smoke, blue cream mink smoke, champagne mink smoke, champagne tortoiseshell mink smoke, platinum mink smoke, platinum cream mink smoke, cinnamon mink smoke, cinnamon tortoiseshell mink smoke, fawn mink smoke, fawn cream mink smoke, red mink smoke, cream mink smoke).

TABBY & PATCHED TABBY MINK: (natural mink tabby, natural patched mink tabby, blue mink tabby, blue patched mink tabby, champagne mink tabby, champagne patched mink tabby, platinum mink tabby, platinum patched mink tabby, cinnamon mink tabby, cinnamon patched mink tabby, fawn mink tabby, fawn patched mink tabby, red mink tabby, cream mink tabby).

SILVER & SILVER PATCHED TABBY MINK (natural silver mink tabby, natural silver patched mink tabby, blue silver mink tabby, blue silver patched mink tabby, champagne silver mink tabby, champagne silver patched mink tabby, platinum silver mink tabby, platinum silver patched mink tabby, cinnamon silver mink tabby, cinnamon silver patched mink tabby, fawn silver mink tabby, fawn silver patched mink tabby, red silver mink tabby, cream silver mink tabby).

All sepia colors/patterns: Eye color: yellow/gold to green.)

SEPIA: the mature specimen should have rich, even, unmarked color, shading almost imperceptible to a slightly lighter hue on the underparts. There must be a distinct contrast between the body color and the points. Kittens are often lighter in color

SABLE: sable brown with dark brown points. 

BLUE SEPIA: slate blue with warm overtones and slate blue points. 

CHAMPAGNE: golden tan to light coffee brown with medium brown points. 

PLATINUM: dove gray with frosty gray points. 

CINNAMON SEPIA: light tan/beige with light reddish brown (cinnamon) points.

FAWN SEPIA: pale, pinkish-cream with pale lavender points.

RED SEPIA: pale tangerine with reddish points. 

CREAM SEPIA: rich cream with pale tangerine points 

TORTOISESHELL SEPIA: (sable tortoiseshell, blue cream sepia, champagne tortoiseshell, platinum cream, cinnamon tortoiseshell sepia, fawn cream sepia).

SEPIA & TORTOISESHELL SEPIA SHADED: (sable, chinchilla, sable tortoiseshell chinchilla, sable shaded, sable tortoiseshell shaded, blue sepia chinchilla, blue cream sepia chinchilla, blue sepia shaded, blue cream sepia shaded, champagne chinchilla, champagne tortoiseshell chinchilla, champagne shaded, champagne tortoiseshell shaded, platinum chinchilla, platinum cream chinchilla, platinum shaded, platinum cream shaded, cinnamon sepia chinchilla, cinnamon tortoiseshell sepia chinchilla, cinnamon sepia shaded, cinnamon tortoiseshell sepia shaded, fawn sepia chinchilla, fawn cream sepia chinchilla, fawn sepia shaded, fawn cream sepia shaded, red sepia chinchilla, red sepia shaded, cream sepia chinchilla, cream sepia shaded).

SEPIA & TORTOISESHELL SEPIA SMOKE: (sable smoke, sable tortoiseshell smoke, blue sepia smoke, blue cream sepia smoke, champagne smoke, champagne tortoiseshell smoke, platinum smoke, platinum cream smoke, cinnamon sepia smoke, cinnamon tortoiseshell sepia smoke, fawn sepia smoke, fawn cream sepia smoke, red sepia smoke, cream sepia smoke).

TABBY & PATCHED TABBY SEPIA (sable tabby, sable patched tabby, blue sepia tabby, blue patched sepia tabby, champagne tabby, champagne patched tabby, platinum tabby, platinum patched tabby, cinnamon sepia tabby, cinnamon patched sepia tabby, fawn sepia tabby, fawn patched sepia tabby, red sepia tabby, cream sepia tabby).

SILVER & SILVER PATCHED TABBY SEPIA (sable silver tabby, sable silver patched tabby, blue silver sepia tabby, blue silver patched sepia tabby, champagne silver tabby, champagne silver patched tabby, platinum silver tabby, platinum silver patched tabby, cinnamon silver sepia tabby, cinnamon silver patched sepia tabby, fawn silver sepia tabby, fawn silver patched sepia tabby, red silver sepia tabby, cream silver sepia tabby).


CALICO PATTERN: a tri-colored cat of unbrindled white and colored patches. The colored patches are to conform to the currently established solid, shaded, smoke, parti color, mink, or sepia descriptions. The white is predominant on the underparts.

BI-COLOR (& WHITE) PATTERN: a previously described cat of solid, shaded, smoke, tabby, parti color, mink and sepia colors/patterns with white. Any amount of white is acceptable with no particular preference given to any pattern. Cats with no more white than a locket and/or button do not qualify for this color class. Such cats shall be judged in the color class of their basic color with no penalty for such locket and/or button.

CALICO COLORS (calico, natural calico mink, sable calico, dilute calico, dilute calico mink, dilute calico sepia, chocolate calico, champagne calico mink, champagne calico, lilac calico, platinum calico mink, platinum calico, cinnamon calico, cinnamon calico mink, cinnamon calico sepia, fawn calico, fawn calico mink, fawn calico sepia).

CALICO CHINCHILLA & SHADED COLORS (calico chinchilla, calico shaded, natural calico mink chinchilla, natural calico mink shaded, sable calico chinchilla, sable calico shaded, dilute calico chinchilla, dilute calico shaded, dilute calico mink chinchilla, dilute calico mink shaded, dilute calico sepia chinchilla, dilute calico sepia shaded, chocolate calico chinchilla, chocolate calico shaded, champagne calico mink chinchilla, champagne calico mink shaded, champagne calico chinchilla, champagne calico shaded, lilac calico chinchilla, lilac calico shaded, platinum calico mink chinchilla, platinum calico mink shaded, platinum calico chinchilla, platinum calico shaded, cinnamon calico chinchilla, cinnamon calico shaded, cinnamon calico mink chinchilla, cinnamon calico mink shaded, cinnamon calico sepia chinchilla, cinnamon calico sepia shaded, fawn calico chinchilla, fawn calico shaded, fawn calico mink chinchilla, fawn calico mink shaded, fawn calico sepia chinchilla, fawn calico sepia shaded, golden calico chinchilla, golden calico shaded, blue golden calico chinchilla, blue golden calico shaded).

CALICO SMOKE COLORS (calico smoke, natural calico mink smoke, sable calico smoke, dilute calico smoke, dilute calico mink smoke, dilute calico sepia smoke, chocolate calico smoke, champagne calico mink smoke, champagne calico smoke, lilac calico smoke, platinum calico mink smoke, platinum calico smoke, cinnamon calico smoke, cinnamon calico mink smoke, cinnamon calico sepia smoke, fawn calico smoke, fawn calico mink smoke, fawn calico sepia smoke).

ORMC (Other RagaMuffin Colors): any other genetically possible color or pattern with the exception of pointed colors, which are registered and used as “for breeding only.” Cats with no more than a locket and/or button do not qualify for this class; such cats shall be judged in the color class of their basic color with no penalty for such
locket or button.

The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.

RagaMuffin Color Class Numbers

Tabby/Tabby & White and Patched Tabby/Patched Tabby & White
[all colors or combinations of colors with the addition of a tabby pattern (classic, mackerel,
spotted, ticked, and patched), with or without white.]
All Other Ragamuffin Colors
(all other colors or combination of colors and patterns, except pointed colors which are not
eligible for exhibition.)

RagaMuffin allowable outcross breeds: Selkirk Rex Longhair (straight hair variant), for kittens born on or before July 31, 2030. All kittens born after July 31, 2030 must have only RagaMuffin parents.