Breed Awareness & Orientation Schools (BAOS)

The CFA Breed Awareness and Orientation Schools are held several times a year, including in conjunction with the CFA International Show and  throughout the regions of CFA.

The CFA Breed Awareness & Orientation School is required for application to the CFA Judging Program and is open to anyone who may someday plan to apply to the CFA Judging Program, as well as those serious CFA breeders who may desire a better understanding of the judging process and the other recognized breeds with which they do not work.

The next scheduled BAOS is in Bangkok, Thailand, on April 17, 18 & 20, 2025 – full details available here.

If you have any questions about the school, please contact Barbara Jaeger at

Annual Judges Workshop

The CFA Judges’ Workshop is held annually in conjunction with the CFA Annual Meeting. This assures that these important events are presented throughout the continental regions of CFA.  From time to time, judge’s workshops may also be held online.

The Judges’ Workshop provides practical, hands-on training to assist continued honing of the skills of the outstanding panel of CFA Judges. This compliments the written examination which is only given in even numbered calendar years. The Workshop provides judges a rare opportunity to meet in a large group to discuss specific standards of those selected breeds being presented by members of the designated Breed Council. The presence of cats of the breeds being discussed allows for an actual demonstration of the fine points of the Breed Standard as well as handling techniques.

Judging Topics
Longhair Breed Presentations
Shorthair Breed Presentations



  • Be of good reputation, both in the cat fancy and your community.
  • Have a complete understanding of the most current CFA Standards, CFA Show Rules and the CFA Judging Program Rules.
  • Be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
  • Have a current Master Clerk License.
  • Have had Custodial Experience
  • Attend a CFA Breed Awareness and Orientation School for the appropriate specialty within two years of applying.
  • Have exhibited outside of your region of residence. (requirements vary by region)
  • Have a CFA Cattery registration certificate for seven (7) years breeding experience
  • Have a club membership verification, indicating five years of active, continuous membership, which must be signed by the club President and Secretary.
  • Meet the Scorecard requirements.
  • Have a litter registration certificate, proving that you bred your first litter, with your cattery name as prefix, at least seven (7) years prior to your date of application.
  • Have an Exhibitor Resume.
  • Provide a statement of why you want to be a CFA Judge.
  • Have a copy of your application filled out, signed by your Regional Director and sent directly to the Judging Program Applications Administrator.
  • Three CFA Club recommendations.
  • Have marked a catalog with an Allbreed Judge. Have a statement that the paperwork was found error free.
  • Have three letters of personal recommendations/character reference be sent directly to the Judging Program Administrator.
  • Have created two copies of the application, one for CFA and one for your files.
  • Provide the current application fee and photo of yourself.
  • Meet the applicable application deadline date. (See Deadline Dates).