Companion Cat World FAQs

What is the cost to join?

Lifetime CCW membership is just $16, and CFA proudly donates a portion of your fee toward supporting the wellbeing of cats in feral, rescue and shelter situations.

What is the difference between the Household Pet Program (HHP) and Companion Cat World (CCW)?

Traditionally in CFA, “HHP” referred to cats competing in the Household Pet category at CFA shows. There was not a term to distinguish rescue/shelter/random breed/non-pedigree/non-standard cats recorded in the Household Pet Program who did not compete. Although a large majority of our non-pedigreed companion cats choose not to compete, as a CCW member they still can celebrate their cat with us in other ways!In Companion Cat World, all registered cats can come to shows but do not have to compete. CCW is a way for cats who may not enjoy the show ring to still join in on the fun.The name of our program for non-pedigreed cats is now Companion Cat World but the acronym for non-pedigreed show cats still remains HHP. It is important that cat lovers from all over the world understand that CFA celebrates ALL cats and not just fancy pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats who compete.

All cats currently recorded as HHP cats (who compete or do not compete) will be automatically converted to CCW and we have found that many use the terms interchangeably.

My cat is currently recorded as a Household Pet (HHP). Do I have to register in CCW and pay the $16?

All recorded HHP will automatically be included in CCW registration at no charge. However, if you would like to have a customized membership card and have your cat’s photograph included in the CCW Gallery, you will have to order a card for $9.

My cat doesn’t really like people. Do I have to take him to events?

No, not all cats like to attend events and meet people. Sometimes people try it, then realize that the online gallery and social media are the best place to show off their cats.

What is the difference between the membership card, key-tag and luggage tag?

The membership card is credit card size, and is included with your membership. The cost for a luggage tag with strap (great to put on pet carriers) is $9. The cost for a set of 3 keytags is $9 also.

I signed up but I have more questions. Who can I contact?

You can email with any questions.