New Club Application Instructions

The information below outlines the process for submitting a club application and the information and forms that need to be included. A new club application must include a completed Club Application, a Club Constitution and payment of the club application fee.

At the bottom of this page, you will find complete contact information for submission of the application, along with the link for online payment of the application fee and links to three documents: New Club Instructions, Club Application Form and Club Constitution Outline.

Please read the New Club Instructions very carefully, as anything omitted from the application or left incomplete will cause a delay in processing the application. Some areas that are occasionally overlooked or left incomplete are noted below.

  1.  Use of “CFA” or “Association” is not permitted in a club name.
  2. The secretary must provide a street address. A PO box is not acceptable.
  3. It is recommended that the president and the secretary be two separate individuals, living in different households.  In the event the secretary is unreachable for some reason, having these two key individuals in separate households provides another option by which CFA can contact the club regarding important matters.
  4. The number of board members listed on the application must match the number of board members called for in the club constitution.
  5. CFA activities and/or other cat fancy experience must be included for all the officers, directors and club members. Activities should include CFA cattery names
    (if any), breeding (indicate breeds), exhibiting (if not breeding, indicate breed or household pet), clerking, experience helping other clubs produce shows, and any other cat fancy related experience.  This information may be provided in a separate document and included with the application. You may include a few  photos of club officers and board members exhibiting at CFA shows if desired, but this is not required.
  6. Indicate how the club treasury will be disbursed in the event the club is disbanded. Any monies remaining in the treasury must be disbursed according to CFA guidelines, i.e., monies should be donated to an animal-related charitable organization such as a shelter, rescue group, or any other non-profit, and not divided among club members.
  7. The application must include the secretary’s signature and date.
  8. The club constitution must accompany the application.
  9. All documents and payment must be submitted before the application will be processed.

The completed application documents may be emailed, mailed or faxed to CFA. Emailed electronic documents are preferred. Once they are received by CFA, they will be reviewed and the applicant will be contacted if additional information is needed.  If the documents are found to be complete and in order, the application will be pre-noticed for consideration at the next available CFA Board meeting. The pre-notice period occurs approximately eight weeks prior to the Board meetings in  February, June and October, in order to allow time for the applicant to respond to any negative comments. Please note that applications received less than eight weeks prior to any Board meeting will be deferred to the next meeting.

> CFA By-Laws
> New Club Instructions
> Club Application Form
> Club Constitution Outline

Online Club Application Fee Payment The fee for a club application is $390.00 (Note: please mention club name and “club application fees” in payment description)

Contact Information:


The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc.
New Club Application
260 E. Main Street, Alliance, OH 44601
Fax: 330-680-4633