- Introduction
- Breed
Standard - Breed & National Winners, Grand Gallery
- Point Score
HEAD (15) Skull shape 4 Width at eye 4 Muzzle shape 4 Profile 3 EARS (10) Size 4 Set 4 Openness 2 EYES (10) Size 6 Shape 3 Color 1 BODY, LEGS and TAIL (20) Neck 3 Proportion 10 Legs and feet 5 Tail 2 COAT 15 COLOR & MARKINGS (30) Color 10 Ticking 9 Facial Markings 6 Leg Markings 5 - Standard
GENERAL: the appearance of an alert healthy small to medium sized muscular bodied cat with noticeably large eyes and ears in proportion to their head. Cat to have the illusion of refined delicate coloring.
HEAD: skull rounded front to back and side to side with rounded width at the outer eye narrowing to a definite whisker break and a medium-short, broad muzzle with a blunt nose. In profile, a rounded skull with a slight curve well below eye level. Straight line nose to chin. Chin well developed.
EARS: large, slightly pointed, wide open at the base, and possessing a deep cup. Medium set. Outer lines of the ear to extend upward at an angle slightly wide of parallel. Small ears a serious fault.
EYES: large, almond shaped, held wide open but showing slant. Neither protruding nor recessed. Eyes set not less than an eye width apart. Color hazel, green or yellow with no other color permitted. Brilliance preferred. Small eyes a serious fault.
BODY: small to medium overall size cat. Moderately stocky and muscular body, legs and floor to form a square. Mid-section not tucked but firm.
NECK: tends toward short and thick.
LEGS and FEET: legs heavy and muscled at the body tapering to small short oval feet.
TAIL: length to be short of the shoulder when laid along the torso. Tending towards slender but not whippy. Blunt tip.
COAT: fine, very short, silky texture, Iying very close to the body. Springy coat a fault.
PENALIZE: coldness or gray tones in the coat, gray undercoat next to the skin, barring on outer front legs, necklaces, non-visible tail faults, lack of nose liner.
DISQUALIFY: white spotting, barring on tail, top of the head unticked, unbroken necklaces or leg bracelets. Very small eyes or ears. Visible tail faults. Blue eyes. Any color other than sepia agouti (dark brown ticking on an old ivory undercoat).
- Singapura Color
SEPIA AGOUTI only, color to be dark brown ticking on a warm old ivory ground color. Each hair to have at least two bands of dark ticking separated by light bands. Light next to the skin and a dark tip. Dark tail tip with color extending back toward the body on upper side. Spine line NOT a fault. Muzzle, chin, chest and underside to be the color of unbleached muslin. Cat to show some barring on inner front legs and back knee only. Allowance to be made for undeveloped ticking in kittens. Hair between toes to be dark brown. Facial markings: dark lines extending from brows and outside corner of eyes, dark lines extending downward alongside nose bridge from inner corner of eyes (cheetah lines), and cheekbone shading are all desirable. Eyeliner, lips, whisker apertures, noseliner to be dark brown. Nose leather: pale to dark salmon. Paw Pads: rosy brown. Salmon tones to the ears and nose bridge NOT a fault.
- Singapura Color Class Numbers
The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
Singapura allowable outcross breeds: none.
Sepia 2700 2701 AOV None None