- Introduction
- Breed
Standard - Breed & National Winners, Grand Gallery

- Point Score
HEAD, EARS, MUZZLE and PROFILE 25 EYES and EYE COLOR (25) Shape 15 Color 10 BODY, LEGS, FEET and TAIL 20 COAT and COAT COLOR 30 - Standard
GENERAL: the European Burmese is an elegant, unique cat breed of far eastern origin, moderate type with gently rounded contours. Any oriental elongation or excessive cobbiness is incorrect and should be regarded as a fault.
HEAD: top slightly rounded. Good breadth between the ears. Wide cheekbones, tapering to a short blunt wedge.
EARS: medium in size. Set well apart. Slight forward tilt. Broad at the base. Slightly rounded tips. The outer line continues the shape of the upper face, except as that may not be possible in mature, full-cheeked males.
MUZZLE: jaw wide at the base. Strong lower jaw. Strong chin.
PROFILE: visible nose stop.
EYES: large. Alert. Set well apart. Top line slightly curved, with an oriental slant toward the nose. Lower line rounded.
EYE COLOR: yellow gold to amber. Lustrous and bright.
BODY: medium length and size. Hard and muscular. Heavier than it looks. Chest strong and rounded in profile. Back straight from the shoulder to the rump.
LEGS and FEET: legs rather slender, but in proportion to the body. Hind legs slightly longer. Feet small and oval.
TAIL: medium length. Not thick at the base. Tapering slightly to a rounded tip.
COAT: short, fine close-lying. Very glossy. Satin-like in texture. Almost without undercoat.
PENALIZE: pronounced muzzle pinch (top view). Oriental eye shape. Round eyes. Green eyes.
DISQUALIFY: white patches. Noticeable numbers of white hairs. Visible tail kink. Excessive tabby markings.
- European Burmese Colors
GENERAL: the coat shades gradually to the roots, with no smoke effect or ticking. Body underparts are slightly paler than the back. The points may show some contrast. Kittens and adolescents may have faint tabby markings and a lighter color. Nonred/cream adults should have no tabby markings.
BROWN: rich, warm, seal brown. Near-black brown is incorrect. Nose leather: rich brown. Paw pads: brown.
BLUE: soft, silver blue-gray with a warm tone. Nose leather and paw pads: blue-gray.
CHOCOLATE: warm milk-chocolate; overall evenness of color very desirable. Nose leather: warm, chocolate brown. Paw pads: brick pink shading to chocolate.
LILAC: pale, delicate dove-gray with a slightly pink cast. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink.
RED: warm, orange apricot. Slight tabby markings permitted on the face. Small indeterminate markings permitted elsewhere (except on the side or belly) on an otherwise excellent cat. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.
CREAM: rich cream. Slight tabby markings permitted on the face. Small indeterminate markings permitted elsewhere (except on the side or belly) on an otherwise excellent cat. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.
BROWN TORTOISESHELL: seal brown and red; pure and bright with color patches over the whole body and extremities. Patch distribution is less important than the other color details. Except on the face, no tabby markings in the red areas, which may be of various shades. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown, pink or both.
CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL: milk chocolate and red with color patches over the whole body and extremities. Patch distribution is less important than the other color details. Except on the face, no tabby markings in the red areas, which may be of various shades. Nose leather and paw pads: milk chocolate, pink or both.
BLUE-CREAM: blue-gray and cream with color patches over the whole body and extremities. Patch distribution is less important than the other color details. Except on the face, no tabby markings in the cream areas, which may be of various shades. Nose leather and paw pads: pink, blue-gray, or both.
LILAC-CREAM: lilac and cream with color patches over the whole body and extremities. Patch distribution is less important than the other color details. Except on the face, no tabby markings in the cream areas, which may be of various shades Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink and pink.
- European Burmese Color Class Numbers
The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
European Burmese allowable outcross breeds: none.
(Blue, Brown, Chocolate, Cream, Lilac, Red)1500 1501 Parti-Color
(Brown Tortoiseshell, Chocolate Tortoiseshell, Blue-Cream, Lilac-Cream)-- 1521 AOV None None