Photo by Chanan
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  • Breed & National Winners, Grand Gallery
Photo by Chanan
Photo by Chanan
Photo by Chanan
Devon Rex
Breed Standard
Point Score
HEAD (40)
Size and shape 12
Muzzle 5
Profile and Chin 6
Eyes 5
Ears 12
BODY (25)
Torso and Tail 10
Legs and Paws 10
Neck 5
COAT (30)
Density 10
Texture and length 10
Waviness 10

GENERAL: the Devon Rex is a breed of unique appearance. Its large eyes, short muzzle, prominent cheekbones, and huge, low-set ears create a characteristic elfin look. A cat of medium fine frame, the Devon is well covered with soft, wavy fur; the fur is of a distinctive texture, as the mutation which causes its wavy coat is cultivated in no other breed. The Devon is alert and active and shows a lively interest in its surroundings.

HEAD: modified wedge. In the front view, the wedge is delineated by a narrowing series of three (3) distinct convex curves: outer edge of ear lobes, cheekbones, and whisker pads. Head to be broad but slightly longer than it is broad. Face to be full-cheeked with pronounced cheekbones and a whisker break. In profile, nose with a strongly marked stop; forehead curving back to a flat skull. Allowance to be made for stud jowls in the adult male.

MUZZLE: short, well-developed. Prominent whisker pads.

CHIN: strong, well-developed. In profile, chin shall line up vertically with nose, being neither undershot nor overshot.

EYES: large and wide set, oval in shape, and sloping towards outer edges of ears. Any eye color is acceptable, as no points are assigned to eye color (although colorpoints generally will have blue and minks generally will have aqua eyes).

EARS: strikingly large and set very low, very wide at the base, so that the outside base of ear extends beyond the line of the wedge. Tapering to rounded tops and well covered with fine fur. With or without earmuffs and/or ear-tip tufts.

BODY: hard and muscular, lithe, and of medium length. Broad in chest and medium fine in boning, with medium fine but sturdy legs. Carried high on the legs with the hind legs somewhat longer than the front. Allowance to be made for larger size in males, as long as good proportions are maintained.

LEGS and PAWS: legs long and slim. Paws small and oval, with five toes in front and four behind.

TAIL: long, fine, and tapering, well covered with short fur.

NECK: medium long and slender.

COAT: Density: the cat is well covered with fur, with the greatest density occurring on the back, sides, tail, legs, face, and ears. Slightly less density is permitted on the top of head, neck, chest, and abdomen. Bare patches are a fault in kittens and a serious fault in adults; however the existence of down on the underparts of the body should not be misinterpreted as bareness. Sparse hair on the temples (forehead in front of the ears) is not a fault. Texture: the coat is soft, fine, full-bodied, and rexed (i.e., appearing to be without guard hairs). Length: the coat is short on the back, sides, upper legs, and tail. It is very short on the head, ears, neck, paws, chest, and abdomen. Kittens may have very short fur all over; even if not long enough to wave, it must cover the kitten evenly, so that no bare patches are evident. Waviness: a rippled wave effect should be apparent when the coat is smoothed with one’s hand. The wave is most evident where the coat is the longest, on the body and tail.

PENALIZE: Heads that are long and/or narrow, and/or those tapering in the fashion of a “V”; heads with flared ears; heads that are round, or have the appearance of a mixed breed; extremely short muzzle; misaligned bite; small or high set ears; short or bare tail; straight coat; bare patches.

DISQUALIFY: extensive baldness, excessively long, and/or shaggy coat; long hair on the tail; kinked or abnormal tail, incorrect number of toes, crossed eyes, weak hind legs; any evidence of illness or poor health.

Devon Rex Colors

COAT COLOR: any genetically possible color and pattern and any combination of genetically possible color and pattern are allowed. *For purposes of clarification and consistency the following applies:

LAVENDER: used in place of Lilac in Solid, Tabby, Calico, Smoke, Silver and Shaded colors and patterns.

PLATINUM: used in place of Lavender in Mink and Sepia patterns.

LILAC: used in place of Lavender in the Pointed pattern.

CHAMPAGNE: used in place of Chocolate in Mink and Sepia patterns.

NATURAL: used in place of Black in the Mink pattern.

SABLE: used in place of Black in the Sepia pattern.

SEAL: used in place of Black in the Pointed pattern.

WHITE: pure glistening white. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

BLACK: dense coal black, sound from roots to tip of fur. Free from any tinge of rust on the tips. Nose leather: black. Paw pads: black or brown.

BLUE: blue, lighter shade preferred, one level tone from nose to tip of tail. Sound to the roots. A sound darker shade is more acceptable than an unsound lighter shade. Nose leather and paw pads: blue.

RED: deep, rich, clear, brilliant red; without shading, markings or ticking. Lips and chin the same color as the coat. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red.

CREAM: one level shade of buff cream, without markings. Sound to the roots. Lighter shades preferred. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CHOCOLATE: rich chestnut brown, sound throughout. Nose leather: brown. Paw pads: brown or cinnamon.

LAVENDER: frosty-grey with a pinkish tone, sound throughout. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink.

CINNAMON: cinnamon, sound throughout. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon.

FAWN: pale pinkish fawn, sound throughout; lighter shades preferred. Nose leather and paw pads: pale fawn.

SHADED PATTERN: undercoat white with a mantle of specified marking color tipping shading down from sides, face and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. Rims of eyes, lips and nose outlined with marking color. Nose leather and paw pads color as defined below.

SHADED SILVER: Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

BLUE SHADED: Nose leather: blue or blue with pink tone. Paw pads: blue or blue with pink tone.

CHOCOLATE SHADED: Nose leather: pink. Paw pads: cinnamon.

LAVENDER SHADED: Nose leather: lavender-pink. Paw pads: lavender-pink.

CAMEO SHADED: Nose leather: rose. Paw pads: rose.

CREAM SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CINNAMON SHADED: Nose leather: pink. Paw pads: coral.

FAWN SHADED: Nose leather: fawn. Paw pads: pink.

TORTOISESHELL SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

BLUE-CREAM SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

CINNAMON TORTOISESHELL SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

LAVENDER-CREAM SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

FAWN-CREAM SHADED: Nose leather and paw pads: as in the solids; may be mottled with pink.

CHINCHILLA: undercoat pure white. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with specified marking color (i.e., black, blue, red, cream, tortoiseshell, etc.) to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, stomach and chest, pure white. Rims of eyes, lips and nose outlined with marking color. Nose leather: appropriate to pattern and marking color (black/brick red; blue/old rose; red and cream/rose, etc.). Paw pads: appropriate to pattern and marking color (black/black; blue/rose; red and cream/rose, etc.).

SMOKE PATTERN: white undercoat more deeply tipped with specified marking color. Cat in repose appears to be of marking color. In motion the white undercoat is apparent. Points and mask of marking color with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to pattern and marking color (see below).

BLACK SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: black.

BLUE SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: blue.

RED SMOKE CAMEO (Cameo): Nose leather and paw pads: rose.

CHOCOLATE SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: brown or brick.

LAVENDER SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink.

CINNAMON SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon.

CREAM SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

FAWN SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: pale fawn.

TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

BLUE-CREAM SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

LAVENDER-CREAM SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

CINNAMON TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: mottled with pink on nose and paws.

FAWN-CREAM SMOKE: Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CLASSIC TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail evenly ringed. Several unbroken necklaces on neck and upper chest, the more the better. Frown marks on forehead form an intricate letter “M.” Unbroken line runs back from outer corner of eye. Swirls on cheeks. Vertical lines over back of head extend to shoulder markings which are in the shape of a butterfly with both upper and lower wings distinctly outlined and marked with dots inside outline. Back markings consist of a vertical line down the spine from butterfly to tail with a vertical stripe paralleling it on each side, the three stripes well separated by stripes of the ground color. Large solid blotch on each side to be encircled by one or more unbroken rings. Side markings should be the same on both sides. Double vertical rows of buttons on chest and stomach.

MACKEREL TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and all narrow pencillings. Legs evenly barred with narrow bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail barred. Necklaces on neck and chest distinct, like so many chains. Head barred with an “M” on the forehead. Unbroken lines running back from the eyes. Lines running down the head to meet the shoulders. Spine lines run together to form a narrow saddle. Narrow pencillings run around body.

SPOTTED TABBY PATTERN: markings on the body to be spotted. The spots can be round, oblong, or rosette-shaped. Any of these are of equal merit but the spots, however shaped or placed, shall be distinct. Spots should not run together in a broken Mackerel pattern. A dorsal stripe runs the length of the body to the tip of the tail. The stripe is ideally composed of spots. The markings on the face and forehead shall be typically tabby markings. Underside of the body to have “vest buttons.” Legs and tail are barred.

TICKED TABBY PATTERN: body hairs to be ticked with various shades of marking color and ground color. Body when viewed from top to be free from noticeable spots, stripes, or blotches, except for darker dorsal shading. Lighter underside may show tabby markings. Face, legs and tail must show distinct tabby striping. Cat must have at least one distinct necklace.

PATCHED TABBY PATTERN: a patched tabby (torbie) is an established silver, brown, blue, lavender, fawn, cinnamon or chocolate tabby with patches of red or cream clearly defined on both the body and extremities; a blaze on the face is desirable.

SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale clear silver. Markings dense black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

BROWN TABBY: ground color brilliant coppery brown. Markings dense black. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Back of leg black from paw to heel. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black or brown.

BLUE TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale bluish ivory. Markings a very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: rose.

RED TABBY: ground color red. Markings deep, rich red. Lips and chin red. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red.

CREAM TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, very pale cream. Markings buff or cream sufficiently darker than the ground color to afford good contrast but remaining within the dilute color range. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.

CHOCOLATE (Chestnut) TABBY: ground color is warm fawn, markings are rich chestnut brown. Nose leather: chestnut, or pink rimmed with chestnut. Paw pads: cinnamon.

CHOCOLATE SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, is silver. Markings rich chestnut. Nose leather: chestnut or pink rimmed with chestnut. Paw pads: cinnamon.

CINNAMON TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a pale, warm honey, markings a dense cinnamon, affording a good contrast with ground color. Nose leather: cinnamon or coral rimmed with cinnamon. Paw pads: cinnamon.

CINNAMON SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a pale glistening silver. Markings dense cinnamon. Nose leather: cinnamon. Paw pads: coral.

LAVENDER TABBY: ground color is pale lavender. Markings are a rich lavender, affording a good contrast with ground color. Nose leather: lavender, or pink rimmed with lavender. Paw pads: lavender-pink.

LAVENDER SILVER TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, a cold clear silver. Markings sound lavender. Nose leather: lavender or pink rimmed with lavender. Paw pads: lavender-pink.

FAWN TABBY: ground color, including lips and chin, pale ivory, markings dense fawn, affording good contrast with ground color. Nose leather and paw pads: pale fawn.

CAMEO TABBY: ground color off-white. Markings red. Nose leather and paw pads: rose.

BLUE SILVER, CREAM SILVER, and FAWN SILVER TABBIES: tabby pattern with colors and leathers same as for corresponding shaded colors.

TORTOISESHELL: black mottled or patched with areas of red or shades of red. Presence of several shades of red acceptable.

BLUE-CREAM: blue mottled or patched with cream. Blaze on face is desirable.

CHOCOLATE (Chestnut) TORTOISESHELL: rich chestnut brown mottled or patched with red or shades of red. Presence of several shades of red acceptable.

CINNAMON TORTOISESHELL: cinnamon mottled or patched with red or shades of red. Presence of several shades of red acceptable.

LAVENDER-CREAM: lavender mottled or patched with cream. Blaze on face desirable.

FAWN-CREAM: fawn mottled or patched with cream. Blaze on face desirable.

CALICO: white with unbrindled patches of black and red. White predominant on underparts.

VAN CALICO: white cat with unbrindled patches of black and red confined to the extremities; head, tail, legs. One or two small patches of color on body allowable.

DILUTE CALICO: white with unbrindled patches of blue and cream. White predominant on underparts.

DILUTE VAN CALICO: white cat with unbrindled patches of blue and cream confined to the extremities; head, tail, legs. One or two small patches of color on body allowable.

BI-COLOR: solid color and white, tabby and white, tortoiseshell and white, etc.

VAN BI-COLOR: solid color and white, tabby and white, tortoiseshell and white, etc., with color confined to the extremities; head, tail, and legs. One or two small patches on body allowable.

FAWN CALICO, LAVENDER CALICO, CHOCOLATE CALICO and CINNAMON CALICO: as for CALICO above, with appropriate marking color.


POINTED PATTERN: body color lighter, with some color allowed. Allowance to be made for darker body color in older cats, but contrast between points and body must be evident. Points: mask, ears, legs, tail and feet clearly defined. Mask should not extend over the top of the head. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to coat color. The pointed pattern may be combined with ANY other pattern (except mink) and ANY colors, e.g. lilac-silver lynx point and seal-tortie point with white (shown in the Bi-Color Class).

MINK PATTERN: body with some color. Contrast between body color and points ranging from subtle to distinct in kittens and young cats. Contrast minimal in older cats, particularly in darker colors, tabbies and torties. Points: mask, ears, legs, tail and feet with even color. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to coat color. Eye color: aqua. The mink pattern may be combined with ANY other pattern (except pointed or sepia) and ANY colors, e.g. natural mink, blue mink, champagne mink, platinum mink, cinnamon mink, fawn mink, red mink, cream mink, natural tabby mink, blue-cream mink, tortie mink, platinum-smoke mink, etc., or combined with red in dominant colors and cream in recessive colors, smoke, shaded, and tabby patterns, all shown in the ODRC class. Any color and pattern, when combined with white, is shown in the Bi-color class.

SEPIA PATTERN: the mature cat should be rich and even in color, shading almost imperceptibly to a slightly lighter hue on the under parts. Kittens are often lighter in color. Nose leather and paw pads: appropriate to coat color. Eye color: yellow/gold to green. The sepia pattern may be combined with ANY other pattern (except pointed or mink) and ANY colors, e.g. sable sepia, blue sepia, champagne sepia, platinum sepia, cinnamon sepia, fawn sepia, red sepia, cream sepia, etc., or combined with red in dominant colors and cream in recessive colors, smoke, shaded, and tabby patterns, all shown in the ODRC class. Any color and pattern, when combined with white, is shown in the Bi-color class.

ODRC (Other Devon Rex Colors): any other color or pattern. Cats with no more than a locket and/or button do not qualify for this class, such cats shall be judged in the color class of their basic color with no penalty for such locket and/or button. Examples include, but are not limited to: smoke pattern, all point restricted colors (such as seal point, chocolate point, blue point, lilac point, cream point, lynx points, cinnamon point), mink tabby and sepia tabby.

Devon Rex Color Class Numbers

The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.

Devon Rex allowable outcross breeds: American Shorthair or British Shorthair. Kittens born on or after May 1, 2028 may have only Devon Rex parents.

(White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Cinnamon, Fawn)
2902 2903
(Any solid, tortie or silver color when combined with any tabby pattern (classic, mackerel, patched, spotted, ticked) excluding tabby and white, mink tabby and sepia tabby.)
2944 2945
(All colors and patterns (except white), with any amount of white in any distribution except lockets.)
2960 2961
ODRC (Other Devon Rex Colors)
(Any other color or pattern as defined in the Show Standards and Other Devon Rex Colors and patterns.)
2998 2999
class is not currently used
2998 2999