Photo by Chanan
  • Introduction
  • Breed
  • Breed & National Winners, Grand Gallery
Photography by Chanan
Photo by Chanan
Photo by Chanan
Breed Standard
Point Score
HEAD: shape, nose, chin 20
EARS: shape and placement 10
EYES: placement, shape and color 20
BODY: shape and structure; legs and paws; tail, shape and length 25
COAT: texture, length 10
COAT: evenness of shading/tipping 15

GENERAL: The Burmilla’s appearance is that of an elegant cat of foreign type of medium size.

HEAD: Gently rounded top of head with medium width between ears; wide at eyebrow level and jaw hinge, tapering to a blunt wedge. The head forms a balanced wedge, wide at the cheekbones and tapering to a blunt finish at the muzzle.

NOSE: The profile shows a gentle dip. Tip of nose and chin should be in line.

CHIN: Firm with good depth.

EAR: Medium to large, broad at base with slightly rounded tips. Set with a slight forward tilt in profile. Viewed from the front the outer line of the ear continues that of the face. This may not be so in mature males who develop a fuller cheek.

EYES: Large; placed well apart at a slightly oblique setting; curved upper line angled towards the nose with a fuller curved lower line.

EYE COLOR: Luminous and expressive, outlined with the basic color. Color any shade of green. A Yellow tinge acceptable in kittens and young cats under two years of age.

BODY: Medium length and size. Rounded chest of medium width. Back straight from the shoulder to the rump.

LEGS & FEET: Slender legs with strong bones, hind legs slightly longer than forelegs. Paws are neat and oval.

TAIL: Medium to long with medium thickness at base. Tapering slightly to a rounded tip.

COAT: (Shorthairs) Short with a silky texture, smooth lying with sufficient undercoat to give a slight lift.

COAT: (Longhairs) Fine and silky coat medium long, except over the shoulders without a woolly undercoat. Ear tufts, furnishings and full tail plume are preferable.

COAT COLOR: Pure silver white ground color, Shaded or Tipped in the recognized colors. For color varieties refer to the following descriptions.

PENALIZE: Weak chin. Tabby marks in tipping, solid colored hairs, uneven tipping, brown or yellow tinge in coat. On Tipped, any color on the hocks.

DISQUALIFY: Incorrect eye color in adults. Cobby or oriental body. Coat too shaggy in Shorthair or excessive undercoat in Longhair Burmilla.

ANY OTHER BURMILLA COLORS: All accepted colors that are possible from the Hybridization of the original outcross.

Burmilla Patterns


CHINCHILLA SILVER: Coat Color: Tipping is approximately 1/8 of the entire hair length. The tipping is to be evenly distributed to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Face and legs may be slightly shaded, but chin, ear furnishings, belly, chest and underside of tail are pure white. Face and legs may be slightly shaded with very light tipping. In general a Chinchilla cat appears to be much lighter than a Shaded.

SHADED SILVER: Coat Color: Tipping is approximately 1/3 of the complete hair length. The shading is to be evenly distributed to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Face and legs are shaded with the tipping but chin, ear furnishings, belly, chest and underside of tail must be pure white. Broken rings on the legs are permitted. The fur on the underside of the feet is colored with the color of the tipping, on the back of the hind feet the color extends up as far as to the joint. In general a Shaded cat appears to be much darker than a Chinchilla.

CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: Coat Color: Tipping about 1/8 of the entire hair length. The tipping is to be evenly distributed to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Face and legs are shaded, but chin, ear furnishings, belly, chest and underside of tail range from a warm ivory to golden honey. Tabby markings may be visible on the face and forehead. Face and legs may be slightly shaded with very light tipping. In general, a Chinchilla cat appears to be much lighter than a Shaded. Descriptions are valid for all Chinchilla colors.

SHADED GOLDEN: Coat Color: Tipping about 1/3 of the complete hair length. The shading is to be evenly distributed to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Face and legs are shaded with the tipping but chin, ear furnishings, belly, chest and underside of tail range from ivory beige to deep rich honey. Tabby markings are visible on the face and forehead. Broken rings on the legs are permitted. The fur on the underside of the feet is colored with the color of the tipping, on the back of the hind feet the color extends up as far as to the joint. In general, a Shaded cat appears to be much darker than a Chinchilla. Descriptions are valid for all Shaded colors.

Burmilla Colors

BLACK CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with black. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

BLACK SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with black. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

SEAL SEPIA CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with seal brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in seal brown. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: seal brown

SEAL SEPIA SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with seal brown. Eye and Nose rims: outlined in seal brown. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: seal brown.

BLUE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with blue. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: blue.

BLUE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with blue. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: blue.

CHOCOLATE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with chocolate brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown. Nose leather: pale red/pink. Paw pads: warm chocolate brown.

CHOCOLATE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with chocolate brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown. Nose leather: pale red/pink. Paw pads: warm chocolate brown.

LILAC CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with lilac. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink. Nose leather: pinkish red/pink. Paw pads: lavender pink.

LILAC SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with lilac. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink. Nose leather: pinkish red/pink. Paw pads: lavender pink.

CARAMEL CHINCHILLA SILVER: There is a brownish tone to fur between toes and surrounding the paw pads. The characteristic metallic sheen is particularly seen on the hocks, developing with maturity. The effect of Dm (Dilute modifier) is to give a warm, brownish cast to lilac and blue. Lilac Based: Clear, warm, light, tan-tinged dove grey tipping. Blue Based: Dark but warm toned, brownish blue-grey, dark brownish grey tipping. Nose leather: Lilac Based: pinkish grey. Blue Based: warm, dark blue-grey. Paw pads: Lilac Based: light pinkish grey to muted plum tones. Blue Based: warm, dark blue-grey with a plum overtone.

CARAMEL SHADED SILVER: There is a brownish tone to fur between toes and surrounding the paw pads. The characteristic metallic sheen is particularly seen on the hocks, developing with maturity. The effect of Dm (Dilute modifier) is to give a warm, brownish cast to lilac and blue. Lilac Based: Clear, warm, light, tan-tinged dove grey shading. Blue Based: Dark but warm toned, brownish blue-grey, dark brownish grey shading. Nose leather: Lilac Based: pinkish grey. Blue Based: warm, dark blue-grey. Paw pads: Lilac Based: light pinkish grey to muted plum tones. Blue Based: warm, dark blue-grey with a plum overtone.

CREAM CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in pink. Nose leather: pink. Paw Pads: pink.

CREAM SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in pink. Nose leather: pink. Paw pads: pink.

RED CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with red. Eye and nose rims: outlined in pink. Nose leather: pink. Paw pads: pink.

RED SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with red. Eye and nose rims: outlined in Pink. Nose leather: pink. Paw pads: pink.

BLACK TORTIE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with black and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: black, pink, or patched with both. Paw pads: black, pink, or patched with both.

BLACK TORTIE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with black and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: black, pink, or patched with both. Paw pads: black, pink, or patched with both.

SEAL SEPIA TORTIE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with seal brown and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in seal brown, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: brick red, pink outlined with brown, or patched with both. Paw pads: seal brown, pink, or patched with both.

SEAL SEPIA TORTIE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with seal brown and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in seal brown, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: brick red, pink outlined with brown, or patched with both. Paw pads: seal brown, pink, or patched with both.

BLUE TORTIE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with blue-grey and cream (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: blue-grey, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: blue-grey, pink or patched with both.

BLUE TORTIE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with blue-grey and cream (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: blue-grey, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: blue-grey, pink or patched with both.

CHOCOLATE TORTIE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with chocolate brown and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: milk chocolate, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: cinnamon to milk chocolate, pink or patched with both.

CHOCOLATE TORTIE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with chocolate brown and red (light and dark shades) harmoniously distributed in tortoiseshell pattern. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: milk chocolate, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: cinnamon to milk chocolate, pink or patched with both.

LILAC TORTIE CHINCHILLA SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with lilac and pale cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: lavender pink, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: lavender pink, pink or patched with both.

LILAC TORTIE SHADED SILVER: The undercoat is pure white; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with lilac and pale cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink, pink or patched with both. Nose leather: lavender pink, pink or patched with both. Paw pads: lavender pink, pink or patched with both.

BLACK CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with black. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

BLACK SHADED GOLDEN: The undercoat is neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with black. Eye and nose rims: outlined in black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black.

SEAL SEPIA CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with seal brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in seal brown. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: seal brown.

SEAL SEPIA SHADED GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with seal brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in seal brown. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: seal brown.

BLUE CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with blue. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: blue.

BLUE SHADED GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with blue. Eye and nose rims: outlined in blue-grey. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: blue.

CHOCOLATE CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with chocolate brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown. Nose leather: pale red/pink. Paw pads: warm chocolate brown.

CHOCOLATE SHADED GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with chocolate brown. Eye and nose rims: outlined in chocolate brown. Nose leather: pale red/pink. Paw pads: warm chocolate brown.

LILAC CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with lilac. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink. Nose leather: pinkish red/pink. Paw pads: lavender pink.

LILAC SHADED GOLDEN: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with lilac. Eye and nose rims: outlined in lavender pink. Nose leather: pinkish red/pink. Paw pads: lavender pink.

CHINCHILLA GOLDEN TORTIE: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail tipped with the appropriate base color (Black, Seal Sepia, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac) mottled or patched with areas of red, shades of red or cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in base color, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: appropriate to base color and/or pink. Paw pads: appropriate to base color and/or pink.

SHADED GOLDEN TORTIE: The undercoat is ivory to neutral beige; back, flanks, head, ears and tail shaded with the appropriate base color (Black, Seal Sepia, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac) mottled or patched with areas of red, shades of red or cream. Eye and nose rims: outlined in base color, pink, or patched with both. Nose leather: appropriate to base color and/or pink. Paw pads: appropriate to base color and/or pink.

Burmilla Color Class Numbers

The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.

Burmilla allowable outcross breeds: Silver and Golden Division Persians, Exotic (shorthair and longhair) in all accepted colors of Chinchilla Silver, Shaded Silver, Chinchilla Golden and Shaded Golden, and European Burmese until 12/31/2028. Asian.

All Colors (Longhair)
(All accepted colors as defined in the show standards.)
4500 4501
All Colors (Shorthair)
(All accepted colors as defined in the show standards.)
5500 5501
AOV (Longhair) 4598 4599
AOV (Shorthair) 5598 5599