- Introduction
- Breed
Standard - Breed & National Winners, Grand Gallery
- Point Score
HEAD AND EARS (25) Roundness of head 7 Full face and proper profile 7 Ears 7 Chin 4 EYES (5) Placement and shape 5 BODY (20) Body 15 Tail 5 COAT (20) Shortness 10 Texture 5 Close lying 5 COLOR (30) Body color 20 Eye color 10 - Standard
GENERAL: the Bombay was originated as a hybrid between the Burmese and the American Shorthair. With its jet black, gleaming coat, gold to copper eyes, solid body and sweet facial expression, the ideal Bombay has an unmistakable look of its own. It is not a natural breed but a genetic hybrid, with distinctive features that separate it from its foundation (parent) breeds. The Bombay is a medium-size cat, well-balanced, friendly, alert, and outgoing; muscular and having a surprising weight for its size. The body and tail should be of medium length, the head rounded with medium-sized, wide-set ears, a moderate nose “stop” which is visible (not a break), large rounded wide-set eyes, and an overall look of excellent proportions and carriage.
HEAD: the head should be pleasingly rounded with no sharp angles. The face should be full with considerable breadth between the eyes, blending gently into a broad well-developed moderately rounded muzzle that maintains the rounded contours of the head. In profile there should be a moderate visible stop; however, it should not present a “pugged” or “snubbed” look. Moderate stop is not to be considered a “break,” but a slight indentation at the bridge of the nose between the eyes thus providing a change of direction from the rounded head to the medium, rounded muzzle. The end of the nose is slightly rounded down thus completing the roundness of the head.
EARS: the ears should be medium in size and set well apart on a rounded skull, alert, tilting slightly forward, broad at the base, and with slightly rounded tips.
CHIN: the chin should be firm, neither receding nor protruding, reflecting a proper bite.
EYES: set far apart with rounded aperture.
BODY: medium in size, muscular in development, neither compact nor rangy. Allowance is to be made for larger size in males.
LEGS: in proportion to the body and tail.
PAWS: round. Toes, five in front, four in back.
TAIL: straight, medium in length; neither short nor “whippy.”
COAT: fine, short, satin-like texture; close-lying with a shimmering patent leather sheen.
PENALIZE: excessive cobbiness or ranginess.
DISQUALIFY: kinked or abnormal tail. Lockets or spots. Incorrect number of toes. Nose leather or paw pads other than black. Green eyes. Improper bite. Extreme break that interferes with normal breathing and tearing of eyes.
- Bombay Color
COLOR: the mature specimen should be black to the roots. Kitten coats should darken and become more sleek with age. Nose leather and paw pads: black. Eye color: ranging from gold to copper, the greater the depth and brilliance the better.
- Bombay Color Class Numbers
The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
Bombay allowable outcross breeds: Black American Shorthair, Sable Burmese.
Black 0410 0411 AOV None None