Having Agility as Part of a CFA Cat Show
There are many advantages to having a feline agility ring at a CFA cat show. It’s important to note that if a club promotes feline agility heavily in their pre-show publicity, the gate will most likely increase substantially.
We have a large number of public relations and pre-show publicity ideas for clubs to use including videos, photos, posters, discount coupons, sample press releases, and press passes.
How does a club include an agility ring?
When a club sends a show license application to CFA Central Office, be sure to include the information that the show will include a Feline Agility Competition. When a show license is approved, the show listing on the CFA web site will include an agility logo beside it so that both exhibitors and spectators can easily see which shows have an agility ring planned.
Sponsors can also be solicited for an agility ring, or for an individual competitor: Feline Agility Ring Sponsor Form
How much space is needed in a show hall?
An agility ring enclosure should ideally be a minimum of 20′ x 20′ up to a maximum of 32′ x 32′. Space will also be needed around the enclosure, or at least on one side of it, for spectator seating. The enclosure must be placed away from the judging area because of distractions for the judges, exhibitors, handlers and the cats. A corner of the hall is best if possible.
At least one table will be required. A microphone for the ringmaster will allow them to make announcements to build interest and excitement when cats are running and also to call cats to the ring.
Where will a club get agility equipment?
We can provide a list of agility equipment suppliers who have the obstacles and ring enclosures necessary for an agility ring. Please contact us for our equipment and enclosure vendor list.
When negotiating with an equipment and enclosure vendor, be sure to confirm exactly what the vendor expects from the club, such as help needed to set up and take down the equipment, cost of renting the equipment, and any other expenses that may be required. A contract is highly recommended.
Who can a club hire to be the Ringmaster?
A Certifed Ringmaster must be hired to manage the agility ring competition. There is currently no fee set for the certified Ringmaster. If a Ringmaster must travel a long distance to the show, they may request to be reimbursed for mileage or airfare. As the number of agility ring competitions expand, the list of Certified Ringmasters grows, so it is possible that a club may be able to hire a ringmaster who lives close to the show venue. The Certified Ringmaster will train someone from your club or area if he/she is willing to work at the agility ring both days of the show. If the trainee gets a good evaluation, they will be sent a written test. An individual will receive ringmaster certification upon successful completion of training.
The club will be expected to provide lunch for the CRM both days of the show. You will also be expected to provide a steward.
A list of Certified Ringmasters can be found in the Online Almanac. If you do not subscribe to the Online Almanac, please contact us for a list of ringmasters.
Does the agility ring have to be pre-entered?
Many clubs accept pre-entered agility entries during the regular show entry period. Late entries are allowed to sign up at the Agility Ring. Entries may include pedigreed cats, household pets and shelter cats as well as cats that have been declawed or have a deformity. However, cats with wild ancestry may not be entered.
What are the rules and regulations?
The official Rules and Regulations governing a feline agility competition can be found in this PDF document.